Coccinelle Film boards Secret Delivery

We are happy to announce that Coccinelle Film has acquired the international distribution rights for “Secret Delivery (Tichá pošta)” by Ján Sebechlebský and is presentig the title at the 2025 European Film Market (EFM) in Berlin.


Secret Delivery by Ján Sebechlebský Selected for Tallinn IFF/Baltic Event Just Film Works in Progress

We are thrilled that our adventure historical winter road movie will be a part of this year´s Just Film Work in Progress Selection. This very important part of the Industry Program of the Tallinn IFF includes six remarkable children and youth films. Marge Liiske, head of Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event, described this year’s selection as very strong, exciting, and diverse, with a record number of submissions making the selection process more competitive than ever. 
