Coccinelle Film boards Secret Delivery

February 14, 2025

We are happy to announce that Coccinelle Film has acquired the international distribution rights for “Secret Delivery (Tichá pošta)” by Ján Sebechlebský and is presentig the title at the 2025 European Film Market (EFM) in Berlin.

The film is based on true events told in the novel by Jiří Stránský (12th August 1931 – 29th May 2019), a Czech author, playwright, translator, political prisoner during the country's communist regime, and human rights activist.

Towards the end of the Nazi occupation. in the snowy Giant Mountains, Czechia, a group of child heroes rescues a downed French pilot. Their actions resemble the principle of the well-known “telephone game“ – the pilot is passed between mountain villages like a secret message – secret delivery - at school. But the children play a highly risky game. They are confronted by deadly soldiers of the occupying army, they must outwit traitors and informers and, last but not least, survive in the harsh conditions of winter in the mountains.

Ján Sebechlebský says “Why tell another story from the end of the WWII? Because it's a children's story about empathy, rebellion, joy, courage and hope at a time when the chance of survival sometimes depends only on luck. It's one of those stories where children unite against the adult world in order to save someone. I think that such stories are needed especially today, when our kids are unexpectedly confronted with the proximity and impact of war on a daily basis.“ 

Secret Delivery is a Czech Republic/Slovakia/Serbia co-production, produced by Julietta Sichel (8Heads Productions for Czech Republic) Silvia Panáková (Arinafilm for Slovakia) and Dimče Stojanovski, Stefan Orlandić Stojanovski (Living Pictures for Serbia).

The film was in the Tallinn Industry Work in Progress and it will be theatrically released in Czech Republic and Slovakia by CinemArt.

"We are thrilled to join forces with Francesca Breccia and her Coccinelle Film Sales team on the international journey of our newly completed Czech-Slovak-Serbian historical adventure family film, Secret Delivery. Following the success of Girl America, Coccinelle once again proves to have a good eye to identify the most captivating and distinctive titles emerging from the Czech Republic", says producer Julietta Sichel.