Variety - Focus on Czech Republic
June 26, 2010
Latest comments in the press: Variety - Focus on Czech Republic - foreign incentives poised for action...
"The Czech Republic's great hope for restoring its once-thriving foreign production biz, a 20% film incentive, moved closer to reality June 18 when the European Commission approved the plan, which would set up a $24.5 million kitty.Foreign shoots are not just a cash boon but also drive the local production scene, helping to keep small shingles, crews and studios in business. That's a terrific windfall as Czech producers are busier than ever -- even Karlovy Vary fest programming director Julietta Sichel has taken a sabbatical to steer a feature portraying the life of Russian dissident poet Anna Barkova, "8 Heads of Madness."Some 28 Czech films are expected to wrap by 2011, with a further 36 in development. But whether the pace can be sustained is another question. Much of the impetus is the one-time coin created though the sale of digital TV broadcast licenses, which has helped fill the coffers of the Czech Cinematography Fund. This org, along with pubcaster Czech TV, remains the most direct source for funding, but that revenue ends in 2011, which is driving producers to seek alternative strategies like co-productions."
Will Tizard